If you are a human and are seeing this field, please leave it blank. Fields marked with an * are required Studio Name/Teacher Name: * Primary Contact Email * Phone * Website Please indicate your choice level. * Please select one: Early Bird Rate by July 31, 2019 Yoga Studio–$108 Yoga Studio–$118 (+1 locations) Yoga Studio–$128 (+2 locations) Yoga Studio–$138 (+3 locations) Independent Teacher–$60 Independent Teacher–$54 (members of Yoga Union) Yoga Studio– $150 Yoga Studio–$160 (+1 locations) Yoga Studio–$170 (+2 locations) Yoga Studio–$180 (+3 locations) Independent Teacher–$75 Independent Teacher–$65 (members of Yoga Union) A paragraph describing your yoga studio and/or services. Style(s) of Yoga Taught. * NOTE: Please email us (info@virginiayogaweek.org) with the following information 1. Your logo(s) 2. A photo [photo format: jpg, png, gif] to add next to your studios/teacher bio.