We are thrilled that you want to join our
commUNITY for Virginia Yoga Week 2019.
For eleven years we have worked to bring the gift of yoga to everyone in the Commonwealth.
Yoga has benefit for everyone/ You need not be in perfect shape to do yoga and no equipment required. There are varieties of yoga to suit everyone’s needs and tastes and Virginia Yoga Week serves to let you sample each and find the right one for you.
We are bringing back last year’s successful Yoga Passport program and this year registration is easier than ever.
Join Us
Businesses and Corporations can sign up to sponsor the event or a variety of activities and functions throughout the week.
VYW Presenter – $750
Be the exclusive corporate presenter for VYW 2018. Language will say, “Virginia Yoga Week 2018, sponsored by Your Company Name” for a year’s worth of sponsorship on the VYW website. Your video ad will run on our page for the 7 days of VYW 2018. Mention in all electronic materials. Your name and logo on all VYW 2018 printed materials.
VYW Sponsor – $500
Choose a particular event during the week to sponsor such as Free Yoga in the Fresh Air, Silver Sage, Family Yoga Day or another event that supports our mission. Your brand, company / organization name, and logo will be included in all VYW 2018 materials.
VYW Supporter – $300
Sponsor attendee giveaways during the week such as organic towels, t-shirts, yoga mats, and environmentally-friendly water bottles. Feature your logo on the listed item of your choice. Receive mention in all electronic materials plus your name and logo on all VYW 2018 printed materials.
VYW Friends – $175
Share your story with the community. Your logo and link will be posted on the Virginia Yoga Week website, be shared via social media and appear on all VYW 2018 electronic & printed materials.
Wellness Community Member – $75
Your company / organization logo and link will be posted on the Virginia Yoga Week website during Virginia Yoga Week, be featured via social media, and appear on all VYW 2018 materials.
Old Town North Business Community Member – $75 (special price)
Drive customers to your businesses with hyperlocal advertising! Your logo and link will be on the Virginia Yoga Week website during Virginia Yoga Week via social media and all VYW 2018 electronic & printed materials. One year listing on Old Town North website.
Yoga Studios and Independent Teachers of Yoga can sign up to participate.
Early Bird Registration by July 31, 2019 | $108/Studios with multiple locations may pay $10 to add each additional studio location.
Full Registration After July 31, 2019 | $150/Studios with multiple locations may pay $10 to add each additional studio location.Your logo and link will be on the Virginia Yoga Week website for one year plus your logo on all VYW electronic & printed materials.
- Participating studios:
- Display the VYW logo on your website during the week.
- Offer 1 Free and 1 $5.00 class during VYW.
- Participate in the Karma Project by hosting a class or event to benefit a charity of choice or one of the three VYW charities, YoKid, The Carpenter’s Shelter or Odanadi.
- Mention Virginia Yoga Week twice during the week through their social media channels.
- Participating studios:
Independent Teacher
Early Bird Registration by July 31, 2019 | $60 / $54 for Teachers who are members of Yoga Union
Full Registration After July 31, 2019 | $75 / $65 for Teachers who are members of Yoga Union- Participating teachers:
- Display the VYW logo on your website during the week.
- Offer 1 Free or 1 $5.00 class during the week.
- Participate in the Karma project by hosting a class or event to benefit a charity of choice or one of the three VYW charities, YoKid, The Carpenter’s Shelter, or Odanadi.
- Mention Virginia Yoga Week twice during the week through their social media channels.
- Participating teachers:
Questions? EMAIL Us @ info@virginiayogaweek.org